715 Circle K Dr, Winkler MB
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday
9 am - 6 pm
9 am - 4 pm
More than just potatoes. Your one stop shop for all things local, including our very own premium potatoes, organic produce, plus gluten-free foods, unique gifts and more!
#1 Reds: Our red #1 potatoes are a large red potato, typically of the Norland variety, with yellow flesh and are moist in texture. Since these potatoes have a thicker and darker skin than the yellows, they can store for up to 12 months as long as they are kept in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. These potatoes are best served baked, boiled, or roasted.
#2 Reds: "What's the difference between #1 and #2 potatoes?" This is one of our most commonly asked questions, and the answer is very simple; the size! Our #1 potatoes are larger, making them easier to peel, whereas the #2 potatoes are slightly smaller, typically of the Sangre variety, and are perfect for all the same usages as the #1's as the texture and flavor is virtually identical.
Good assortment of products, not just potatoes.
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday
9 am - 6 pm
9 am - 4 pm